Book reviews

šŸ“— Speed and scale

Gordon Bazeley ā€¢

Speed and scale


John Doerr is a partner at Kleiner Perkins and has been making climate related investments since 2006, way ahead of the curve. He outlines a very detailed plan for getting to net zero using OKRs (Objectives & Key Results), a technique popularised by Google and widely used in the tech space.

In many respects itā€™s similar to billgā€™s book but itā€™s a lot more prescriptive and probably benefits from Billā€™s book being published first. There are interviews with a lot of climate luminaries - the book was written in the run up to COP26 and so there are lots of positive looking statements which unfortunately werenā€™t backed up by commitments from all countries in Glasgow.

The book contains Lots of great investing war stories and interviews with entrepreneurs & policy makers. My favourite of these was the time that he passed on investing in Tesla and backed Fisker (who? Exactly).

In summary, this is the best of the ā€œclimate planā€ books that Iā€™ve seen. Ultimately it relies upon substantial public policy changes which have been slow in coming.

A few things I learned

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